Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mega Living

Please enjoy the below experience from one of my friend in online - Hari
When I was discussing my MegaLiving program with one of my colleagues on Saturday evening, he asked me how I find the time to complete all the activities and exercises every day. At the time, I didn’t give him a very clear answer, but on the plane to Mumbai yesterday I thought about the subject more deeply and did a brief analysis of my time usage patterns.

The results were very interesting; here are a few brief highlights:

a.) I devote on average at least one and a half hours a day towards my MegaLiving program, comprising roughly half an hour for exercise, another half an hour for reviews and measurement through my journal, spreadsheet, and my daily blog entry, and a final half hour for reflection and meditation.

b.) To compensate for much of this time, I get up on average at least one hour earlier per day. It can be difficult to drag myself out of bed sometimes, but I certainly don’t feel any more tired as a result of doing so. In fact, the reverse is the case: I feel a lot more energized than before thanks to more exercise, a better diet, and a clearer sense of purpose and focus.

c.) While I am exercising I am also focusing my mind on tasks that I would have to do in any case, most notably planning for my day during my morning walk.
d.) Because of my increased concentration and focus, I am learning to maximize my usage of time during the day. For example, I don’t stop for so many coffee breaks as I did before (though the cigarettes are still a problem) and whenever I do have a spare moment I make sure I add notes or observations to my journal to make sure that I don’t forget them. This may not sound very much, but these lost and wasted moments can very quickly add up.

So, paradoxically, I’m convinced that I have experienced a net gain in the time available to me rather than the net loss that might be expected. As an added bonus, I also believe that I am using my time a lot effectively than I used to through sharper focus and an enhanced awareness of how valuable my time is to me.

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